Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Fold like the wind...

Although this isn't really that cool compared to many things available on the net, it could be considered relatively cool.

By this I mean that it's cool relative to doing laundry. Laundry isn't cool, but this technique could increase the coolness factor , which isn't easy.

Follow the instructions at ReadyMade, and fold like the wind!

Friday, September 23, 2005

Fun Movie Reviews...

Finally some movie reviews worth watching.

They may even be better than the actual movies.

Check out Statler and Waldorf in the balcony, tossing out their version of current movie reviews at Movies.go.com.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Immersive Video

Here is some really advanced photography technology which allows for an immersive experience.

Essentially it is a spherical array of video cameras that record images that are then processed to be viewable on a domed screen, with VR goggles, or allow panning around while viewing on a television.

Uber cool.

Learn more at Immersive Media.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Changing Puzzle...

Flash is very cool.

I use it on the banner of this site, and there are endless other cool uses for it.

Here is a link to a simple example of a twist on a standard puzzle using flash.

Although it's simple, the effect is quite interesting.

Thanks to Larry for the suggestion.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Coin Tossing on YouTube.com

Here's a video of a highly skilled coin bouncer, or wasted youth - you make the decision.

Explore YouTube.com while you're there. There are some other great amateur vidoes like this, this and this.

Okay, those may not be that great, but explore the Most Discussed, Most Viewed, and Most Favourited.

Thursday, September 08, 2005


Originally I was just going to show a some cool office gear like the enviro-friendly "stapleless" stapler.

They can be found at sites like UncommonGoods.com or by doing a Google search.

While poking around, I came across VirtualStapler.com.

How great is that?

You can see a detailed video of the functioning "stapless" stapler. Be sure to play with the vitual staplers and look at the FAQ and letters.

I've got a Rapid Classic II stapler from Sweden that I'll have to submit.


Monday, September 05, 2005

The LightTalk LED pen

Some more fun with persistent vision phenomenon.

This cool "pen" lets you scan an image or text, then display it using the LEDs by waving it back and forth rapidly.

Check out the LightTalk and more at the very cool ThinkGeek.com.

Saturday, September 03, 2005


Lego is a fantastic "toy" for building and creating cool vehicles, buildings and whatever else kids can think of.

Some people create intricate sculptures and other art with lego as well. Now the commoner can express themselves artistically with a tool called - the Brick-o-lizer.

You only need to upload a picture, make some adjustments, and Lego will send you a kit of parts and a custom instruction sheet to put together your mosaic.

Oh, and a credit card helps too.

Here is one that we made some time ago. It works well when it's placed in an area that can be viewed from a distance, then seen up close.

Check out the Brick-o-lizer at Lego and come back and link your mosaics!

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